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We will not hold our typical 5pm Gathered Worship on Sunday, December 28th. We want to offer our staff, our volunteers, and our community a day of rest going into the new year. We will gather again at 5pm on Sunday, January 4th.
We invite you to ponder “A Prayer of Rest” by Steve Fawver [he/him]:
God, you invite us into your Sabbath rest.
A rest that is free and unencumbered by expectation, performance, or “oughts.”
A rest that is open and safe and pure.
A rest that is anchored in your deep sustaining love, power, and hope.
May we let go and receive your blessed rest.
May we let go and open ourselves to the river of life that is flowing with freedom and power.
May we let go and settle into your trustworthy arms as your rest envelopes us with love.”